Friday, May 09, 2008

Finally having something to do...

Finally having something to do...

The saddest thing is that the highpoint of this week was my mission to get a gift I sent to my sister for her 1st mother-to-be-day properly delivered. The FedEx delivery guy couldn't see the # sign for her house, so they called my sister and told her she would have to come get the package. When I heard about this I was determined to not have that happen - heck, I paid for them to deliver it and $%#@@&& they were going to do it! So, my time on the phone talking to 3 FedEx people in three different states (the last one being in New York where all of this started to begin with) was a high point of activity, energy, and it kept my problem-solving skills from atrophying too much.

Sad, sad, sad -- a consumer complaint call is the best I can come up with for a highpoint....Gotta find a hobby/life. Or, I simply have to admit that I needed to vent some frustration and energy somewhere...

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